Adversity makes us all grow
L. T. F. Carolina Gómez Balderas
President of the Foundation
Equinotherapy of Oaxaca, A. C.
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax. My concern, from four years ago, was to do the equinotherapy. But this discipline due to lack of information on it, was not fully accepted in Oaxaca. Despite my professional career as a physical medicine, no parent dared to entrust your child to work with him in this rehabilitation technique. One afternoon two years ago, a pediatric physician-friend, Blanca Ramos Cristiani, from his office in the city of Oaxaca is calling me and telling me that the parents of his patients, who were with her at that time, I commented on his interest because his son received equinotherapy, but I still do not provide it. The child's mother called me after I talk to her son, two and half years old, suffers from Down syndrome, and that she had just begun a civil association of very young children with this diagnosis, a total of five children that time. I interviewed with them, I talk on a wide equinotherapy. Also, a veterinarian friend told them about the horses, their care and use of harnesses. For this was more qualified, with two courses and a first level in the field. Everyone liked them and enthusiastically accepted from that time to start equinotherapy in Oaxaca City. We found the task of finding a place and set appropriate days and times for meetings. Physical Therapy in my profession and my love of horses, a legacy of family tradition, I facilitated the dominance of the equinotherapy, gave me the sensitivity and security to take place in this work. Continuing with my project, but still did not have a ring or with the appropriate horse. It was when I decided to seek support for the friends I made during all the years of my life devoted to charreria. They liked my project, so I provided the required facilities and the animal, our first and most loved horse: "I am afraid." When we were almost ready to begin the natural question arose dads: "Carolina, how much will you charge us?" What a problem!: Located in a state of the late Republic and poor, though not the land of Benito Juárez, the economic possibilities of the inhabitants are poor. And knowing that parents with disabled children are the most economically-even if worn with care, social security, I proposed something I had in mind. I said: "I think form a Civil Partnership to be possible to make these activities even with children from very poor families, to provide this service at lowest cost, get sponsors or scholarships for those who lack resources." Also, our project includes doctors and occupational therapists in language, in addition to special education teachers. So we began with the bureaucratic requirements to formalize the Foundation; formalities Foreign Affairs, before the notary public, firms partners in high finance and the public registry of property. On June 4, 2006 and terrible in the midst of overwhelming social and political conflict that hurt unnecessarily Oaxaca-Foreign gave us the approval of the name: Foundation of Oaxaca equinotherapy, A. C. Our birth; existed formally. We started with all four children with Down syndrome, which was increased to parents to discuss their knowledge of developments and improvements in their children. Today, one year later, we, with four volunteers, 14 children in two sessions per week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Children with disabilities the following: Amputation below knee, congenital glaucoma, Hyperfly syndrome, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, encephalitis and viral dislalia tubercular sclerosis. Lulu, a blind girl of eight years of age diagnosed with congenital glaucoma and Andrea of six years, amputated below the knee, to six months of starting therapy both have managed to get the horse to trot. This was for us and their families an exciting success, unexpected for them, good for us because, well, blossomed love of children to horses. Our next step is to prepare them for equestrian sports. The literature on this topic is rare in Spanish, little is known about the scientific development of equinotherapy as complementary medical technique, which brings us some misunderstanding and adversity. Even doctors disqualify us to ignore the issue. But this has served to fuel our work, increase, children deserve our full attention. Those who spend 30 minutes with us in a meeting where we try and combat their unmerited adversity, where we see them smile, prompt us to overcome the obstacles that sometimes seem large, they are not.